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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Troops disarm 3 bombs in South

GOVERNMENT TROOPS sent to fight pro-ISIS militants in Lanao del Sur province disarmed 3 improvised bombs planted at a trail where security forces are tracking down the terrorists, officials said Thursday.

Army Lt. Gen. Corleto Vinluan, chief of the Western Mindanao Command, said members of the 55th Infantry Battalion discovered the bombs planted in different areas in the village of Tamporong in Madalum town.

Vinluan said the bombs were believed planted by members of the Dawlah Islamiya who clashed with soldiers recently. “Troops from the 55th Infantry Battalion were conducting combat clearing operations when they discovered the IEDs,” he said.

Lt. Col. Franco Raphael Alano, the battalion commander, confirmed the recovery of the bombs and said one of the explosives had a pressure-release mechanism. “The IED buried in the ground is probably a pressure-release type,” he said, adding, the two other improvised explosive devices were planted five meters apart.

Scout Rangers operating in the neighboring province of Maguindanao also recovered Thursday components in the manufacture of improvised explosives and military uniform usually used by Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters in Datu Piang town.

Troops fired canons in the hinterlands of Alonganen and Buayan villages where militants had been spotted. There was no immediate report of enemy casualties, according to Maj. Gen. Juvymax Uy, commander of the 6th Infantry Division.


Both Dawlah Islamiya and Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters are fighting for the establishment of a caliphate in the restive southern region. Their leaders pledged allegiance with ISIS. (Rhoderick Benez)

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