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Sunday, September 5, 2021

OPINION: Sunday Reflection by Mayor Beng Climaco

HYPOCRITES! The past few days the Gospel readings show Jesus addressing the duplicity/double life of those who seem to follow the law outwardly but inwardly were doing the opposite.


Our Lord speaks out against Hypocrites! The Pharisees and Teachers of the Law were “shallow people,” in Jesus’ perception because they only saw what was outward and what matters is what is “within” our thoughts as well. 

In Fr. Karel San Juan. S.J. ’s Homily, he called on the need of authenticity. The synchronicity of our thoughts and actions. I remember being called PLASTIC! In the eyes of my accusers, I was pretentious in my actions and no matter how I try to reach out, IYO LANG SIEMPRE MALO na di ila ojos. I humble myself and thank them si ansina sila ta mira con migo. Pero mas mejor cosa canaton ta mira el Dios Tata? Na di aton confession de culpa admiti di aton culpa y desea cambia. Na mundo mucho quien husga canaton pero el importante el mirada del Dios canaton suyo maga anak. 

The Second Reading in James we are called to: “Be doers of the Word and not just hearers, lest you deceive yourselves. In the sight of God, our Father, pure and blameless religion lies in helping the orphans and widows in their need and keeping oneself from the world's corruption.

Last Thursday was the funeral of a great Zamboangueño ÑOR JUN ALAVAR. His son Mike told me his dad was a “Culinary Icon,” indeed for being the founder of ALAVAR SEAFOOD with his family. Ñor Jun was also someone with a big heart like his beautiful wife I call Sister Tessie. She being a leader of women as well as Kagawad and her community involvement in civic clubs as well. 

Ñor Jun asked me for a wheelchair because he gave it out to those in need. He was talking to me about the garbage “truck” because he also wanted to help in the cleanliness and beautification of Zamboanga. Councilor Mike, I call him Miguel and I spoke and I said: What if our Fathers saw us today, cosa gaha sila pensa? He gave me a beautiful response – “In our Father's eyes, we, their son and daughter, made them proud in their old age, and we would like to believe even in death we brought them joy. Como di ila anak quiere tambien dale alegria na di ila corazon.” 

May we please God our Father imperfect as we are and what matters most, na ojos di aton Tata Dios we please God like Jesus! (MBC) 

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