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Saturday, January 15, 2022

OPINION: Sunday Reflection by Mayor Beng Climaco

‘The Baptism of the Lord’

“YOU ARE my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” This wonderful recognition of God the Father on Jesus is an affirmation which gave the Lord strength in his public ministry all the way to the crucifixion.

"As our children learn behaviors and wire their brain, positive affirmations are very effective in nurturing wellbeing in childhood. Affirming positive messages are like acts of kindness and love towards themselves that build self-esteem and self-belief which will stay with them throughout their life." 

Wellbeing: http://ripplekindness.org (Roxane Wilkins). I was blessed to be able to once again reconnect with my training in the Center for Family Ministry where I trained and finished my Masteral Study in Pastoral Ministry and Family Counseling-ADMU. It is very important to help affirm the goodness of others and let them see their value. It is important that parents and teachers affirm and recognize the goodness of children and students. To see the good in all, will mean the capacity and potential for them to grow and reinforce these good deeds. 

May we learn to practice this to complement sincerely and see the goodness in others especially in times where negativity, cyber bullying find themselves eroding one's self esteem causing much destruction on the victim. 

What does it mean to be God's beloved like Jesus? We can only imitate our Lord despite our human limitations we keep trying. My prayer to God is to please him till the very end of my public service until the end of my life. I am a people pleaser and have to struggle by accepting the reality that: "WE CAN NEVER PLEASE EVERYONE!"

Our mission is to PLEASE GOD ALONE! 

The Christmas season, I thank everyone for their generosity of sharing. All these Christmas cards are affirmations that we are doing the right thing in our mission to serve our people. (MBC)


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