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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Jawo accuses political foes of bullying, spreading fake news

CONGRESSMAN CESAR ‘Jawo’ Jimenez has accused some members of the Team Colorao of former lawmaker Celso Lobregat of bullying Mayor Beng Climaco and for allegedly spreading fake news ahead of the May 9 elections.

Jimenez, who is running for mayor, also named Dan Vicente, station manager of Brigada Zamboanga, as allegedly telling residents during so-called “pulong-pulong” libelous statements against Climaco.

He challenged Vicente - who is running for a council seat under Team Colorao - to say all those things he told about the mayor on his radio program and in media interviews.

“Manada ya kita ta recibi maga videos. I am warning them si cosa sila quiere hace sila ya bahala. With the videos we are holding right now they are liable already, ta habla gane yo si verdad sila cosa ta habla. I will challenge them, for example and I am referring to Mr. Dan Vicente que ta corre para concejal. I will challenge him cosa le ta habla na pulong-pulong contra maga mal-palabra con Mam Beng habla le na programa de suyo na radio, habla le na maga interview con ele, habla le na TV sa tan interview con ele, say the exact words cosa le ta habla contra con Mam Beng.”

“Those remarks are libelous, those remarks are not true in the first place por eso habla gane yo at the end of the day, campania, politica este, pasada lang este and after the elections in May 9 todo kita aquĆ­ maga ZamboangueƱos 10, 20 years from now man-mirahan lang kita siempre, otro alle na un aeroplano lang sila man-familia, cabe lang sila todo para na Manila, pero de atun maga familia aqui si man barco kita cuanto viaje para lleba lang el familia todo na otro lugar,” Jimenez told TV 11 in an interview.

He said both Team Colorao and Team Dalipe also barred residents from recording or taking videos of their pulong-pulong, but despite this Jimenez said he had videos passed on by those who attended the meeting.

“El Team Colorao and Team Dalipe no quiere manda saca video, si tan attempt daw sila saca video ta atraca el maga bodyguards y ta habla bawal se, porque man se queda bawal that is a public place unless tiene sila cosa ta habla alla are not true y todo lang embusterias kasi sabe sila later on puede kanila man file caso de libel,” Jimenez said.

Jimenez said there is too much democracy under Climaco’s administration compared to the previous administration of Lobregat which gave rise to disrespectful comments from opposition councilors.

“Si mira tu el maga concejal ahora bien alboroto because Mam Beng let them, ta deja kanila man cuento cay si Mam Beng ya queda tamen concejal, ya queda tamen vice mayor, so she knows how it is in the City Council - you have to be independent, you have to have your own voice pero debe de tuyo voces, debe cosa tu habla should be based on laws, hindi puede opinion lang de atun, hindi ya tu ta sigui na ley.”

“Hindi puwede man bully ya tu na de atun alcalde, hindi kita puede ansina, at the end of the day nohay ayuda que puwede ansina hace, si habla lang tu ma-palabra con el buen alcalde cay hindi ta sigue na de tuyo proposal. If they continue what they are doing, issuing libelous remarks against anybody, not only against us, against Team Climaco, but anybody issuing libelous remarks, we will make sure that they will face the consequences of their actions,” he warned.

Jimenez’s allegations cannot be independently confirmed and there were no immediate statements from those whom he accused. (Zamboanga Post) 

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