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Saturday, February 19, 2022

OPINION: Sunday Reflection by Mayor Beng Climaco (Zamboanga City)

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose hope is the LORD.”

THE FIRST Reading is connected to the Gospel. From the Reflections of Fr. Ben Y. Sim, S.J., the poor are described as lacking in influence, those who have little or no voice in society, those who lack material possessions, and those who are totally dependent on God. In the context of the Beatitudes in the Gospel, to be poor in Spirit means total trust and reliance in God alone.

I have been listening to Bro. Bo Sanchez’s Full Tank talks. There is a new understanding of how we are to approach wealth and blessings. It is clear, we make use of God’s blessings and wealth so that we can bless and help others and not for our own self. In our Urban Poor communities, I suggested that there must be a change in the name of Urban Poor to a name that will inspire our communities, to uplift themselves and gain prosperity. Isn’t it our goal in life to gain a sense of security and comfort for our family in a way that we are self-sustaining? We work and earn to share and give out of our generosity. 

The Father, in His providence, has done this beyond our expectations. May we have a grateful heart to thank God for all the blessings. We must not dictate to God what we want to happen in our lives. But to trust God that He will take care of our needs if we submit totally to God’s providence. (MBC)

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