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Friday, May 20, 2022

More students to benefit from summer jobs

MAYOR BENG Climaco spearheaded the orientation of some 845 college students who are beneficiaries of the second batch of the Summer Program for the Employment of Students (SPES). 

City Government photo shows Mayor Beng Climaco orients some 800 beneficiaries of the Summer Program for the Employment of Students.

Climaco, along with personnel from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) and City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) and the City Human Resource Management Office, reminded the students to spend wisely their salaries and help their family at the same time. 

About 3,000 people will benefit from the program with each beneficiary receiving a salary of P547 per day. The City Government has allocated a total of P19 million for the 2022 SPES.

The annual program is a joint undertaking of the Climaco administration and the DOLE. Under the SPES, the City Government will shoulder the 60% of salaries of the students as its counterpart with DOLE paying the remaining 40%.  

Climaco said the CSWDO will implement the summer job program. The program, she added, aims to provide temporary employment to poor, but deserving students, out-of-school youth, and dependents of displaced or would-be displaced workers to augment the family’s income to help ensure that beneficiaries are able to pursue their education.  

Last year, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the local government allocated some P19.83 million for the program that benefited about 2,765 students. Each student received a salary of P10,500 for the 20-day work-period or P525 a day.  

Climaco, whose priority programs include Education, said the SPES beneficiaries will be assigned in different barangays to assist in the office or barangay activities, undertake disinfection and sanitation, and other tasks with strict adherence to the health protocols and community quarantine guidelines.  

And in 2019, more than 2,000 youths benefitted from the program which also lasted 20 days with the City Social Welfare and Development Office taking over the preparations for the implementation of the SPES.

Climaco, who is running for congresswoman in District 1, stressed her administration for the past nine years had always been focused on job opportunities for students to pursue their education because “education has always been one of our top priorities.” (Zamboanga Post)

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