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Saturday, August 20, 2022

Commies continue to yield

MAGUINDANAO – Communist rebels continue to surrender to the 6th Infantry Division as the military and government intensify its peace and development programs aimed at luring New People’s Army members and other lawless groups in the restive southern region of Mindanao.

 A photo released by the 6th Infantry Division shows the two New People's Army rebels, whose faces are blurred, during their surrender to the 5th Special Forces Battalion in South Cotabato province recently.

Just recently, two rebels had surrendered to the 5th Special Forces Battalion under Lt. Col. Zandro Alvez in the village of Lambingi in South Cotabato’s Banga town. 

Alvez said the rebels who were both 45 years old also yielded a rifle and a pistol, including a fragmentation grenade. “The surrender of the duo was the result of our soldiers’ efforts in convincing the remaining members of the communist group to return to the fold of the law,” he said.

Maj. Gen. Roy Galido, commander of Joint Task Force Central and the 6th Infantry Division, lauded the troops for their hard work and dedication. “We urged the remaining communist rebels to return to the fold of the law and live a normal life together with their families,” Galido said. 

He said nearly 100 rebels had so far surrendered peacefully to the 6th Infantry Division. (Mindanao Examiner)

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