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Friday, December 9, 2022

Zambo teacher apologized for hitting student

ZAMBOANGA CITY – A public school teacher accused of hitting a 17-year old student in the head has apologized to the teenager’s family after the victim’s mother complained to the school.

The mother said a representative from the Guidance Counsellor’s office of the Zamboanga City High School Main Campus was present during the confrontation and the teacher has apologized. “The teacher has apologized and even signed a note saying it won’t happen again,” she told The Mindanao Examiner.

The Mindanao Examiner has phoned and tried to get a comment or reaction from the school principal Luchie Rimando on Monday, December 5, but a school clerk said she was in a meeting. The clerk quoted Rimando as saying the case is settled between the teenager’s family and the teacher and that a report was submitted to the Department of Education’s Schools Division Office under Roy Tuballa.

The same clerk also quoted Guidance Counsellor Ryan Japon as saying “the case is closed” following the recent meeting between the victim’s mother and the teacher.

Telephone calls made to the Department of Education’s Schools Division Office were all left unanswered. It was unclear why the Zamboanga City High School Main Campus or the Department of Education here failed to sanction or penalize the teacher for his abusive action.

The student said he was hit in the head by his teacher after asking permission to go home due to the pain in his stomach. The victim said without any warning, the teacher suddenly hit him in the head in front of his classmates and another teacher inside the classroom.

The incident occurred Tuesday, November 22, inside the Zamboanga City High School Main Campus.

“I was just asking permission to go home because my stomach was really hurting, then my teacher suddenly hit me in the head, in front of my adviser and classmates. I was shocked and traumatized by his action and I just left the classroom,” he told The Mindanao Examiner, adding, his adviser did not do anything.

The victim’s mother condemned the physical abuse his son suffered in the hands of his teacher. “Teachers are not supposed to inflict pain or hurt their students. This is totally wrong,” she said.

The victim alleged that other students also suffered the same humiliating incident from the same teacher.

Corporal punishment is the most widespread form of violence against children. It is any punishment in which physical force is used and intended to cause some degree of pain or discomfort. It is a violation of children’s rights to respect for human dignity and physical integrity. (Mindanao Examiner)

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