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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Filipino farmers get vermicompost facility

MAGUINDANAO DEL SUR - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) donated a vermicompost facility to Saniag Elementary School in Maguindanao del Sur’s Ampatuan town which will benefit dozens of farmers and other community members.


The hand-over ceremony was attended by ICRC staff, village and school officials. It said the farmers will be able to produce their own organic fertilizers, called vermicompost, using the vermicomposting facility. This organic fertilizer is expected to improve soil fertility and help them increase their crop yields. 

The farmers worked with the ICRC to build the vermicomposting facility. Vermicomposting is a process by which worms are used to convert biodegradable raw material into a humus-like material known as vermicompost. This compost is an organic fertilizer.  

Prior to the turnover of the facility, the farmers and other villagers were trained in vermicomposting by a specialist from the College of Agriculture of Southern Christian College. They learned how to prepare vermi beds and feed worms with materials found in their surroundings, so that they could eventually build their own vermicompost facilities within their own backyards. 

The farmers also underwent training under experts from the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration to better understand climate change. They learned about how to adjust their planting activities while keeping in mind the changing weather patterns.  (Mindanao Examiner)   

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