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Sunday, December 24, 2023

BARMM OKs creation of new Maguindanao del Norte towns

COTABATO CITY — The Bangsamoro Parliament approved measures to create three new municipalities in the province of Maguindanao del Norte province.

Pending the majority vote in a plebiscite, the municipalities of Datu Sinsuat Balabaran, Sheik Abas Hamza, and Nuling are poised to join the administrative map of the BARMM. 

Deputy Speaker Atty. Lanang T. Ali Jr. authored Parliament Bill Nos. 190 and 191, which aim to create Datu Sinsuat Balabaran and Sheik Abas Hamza, respectively. The PB No. 190 garnered 39 affirmative votes, one negative vote, and two abstentions, while PB No. 191 obtained 40-1-0 votes.

The PB No. 223, authored by Member of the Parliament Baileng S. Mantawil, seeks to establish the municipality of Nuling. The bill received 36 yes votes, two abstentions, and three no votes.

The legislative measures will prompt a plebiscite, scheduled to be conducted by the Commission on Elections, through the Bangsamoro Electoral Office, within 120 days from the date of the law's effectivity.

The plebiscite will provide qualified voters with the opportunity to voice their approval or disapproval of the proposed municipalities. If approved, the BARMM Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim will appoint the mayor, vice mayor, and eight members of the Sangguniang Bayan for each municipality.
An extensive consultation process, involving various stakeholders and experts, was conducted by the Committee on Local Government before the bills were submitted to the plenary. These efforts aimed to ensure alignment with legal frameworks and to represent the voice of the constituents.
The measures are in accordance with the Bangsamoro Local Governance Code, specifying that the creation, division, merger, abolition, or substantial alteration of municipalities or barangays must be enacted by law through the Parliament.
CLG Chair and Deputy Floor Leader Atty. Raissa Jajurie emphasized that the creation of these municipalities adheres to specific criteria such as annual income, total population, and total land area, all of which have been met by Datu Sinsuat Balabaran, Sheik Abas Hamza, and Nuling.
Atty. Jajurie said that resource persons from relevant offices confirmed certifications for the criteria needed in the creation of municipalities.


Upon establishment, each municipality will be entitled to its appropriate share of national taxes, contributing to sustainable development. Details about the composition and governance of each municipality were also outlined in the bills.
The municipality of Datu Sinsuat Balabaran will be composed of 13 barangays, such as Awang, Badak, Capiton, Dinaig Proper, Dulangan, Kusiong, Linek,Tamontaka, Mompong, Semba, Tambak, Tanuel, and Tapian. These barangays will be separated from the municipality of Datu Odin Sinsuat. The seat of government will be established in Barangay Tamontaka.
Comprising 10 barangays, the municipality of Sheik Abas Hamza is composed of Baka, Bitu, Bugawas, Kurintem, Labungan, Margues, Makir, Sapalan, Sifaran, and Taviran. The government seat will be established in Barangay Bugawas.
Nineteen barangays—Alamada, Banatin, Bulibod, Damaniog, Ibotegen, Kabuntalan, Kakar, Kapimpilan, Katamlangan, Katidtuan, Ladia, Maidapa, Matengen, Nalinan, Nara, Panatan, Pigcalagan, Pinaring, and Raguisi—will make up the municipality of Nuling. Pinaring will be identified as the site of the new government seat.
Under the measures, the Bangsamoro government will appropriate and provide P2.5 million in financial assistance for the administration and operation of the newly created municipalities every month until they receive their share in the revenue allotment.
The support aims to jumpstart their local governance and contribute to the overall welfare of the constituents in each new municipality. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)


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