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Sunday, December 31, 2023

Opinion: Welcoming 2024 with a hopeful lens By Dr. Herman M. Lagon (Iloilo)

THE ARRIVAL of the New Year invites us to embrace fresh beginnings with a sense of hope, faith, and love. This resonates not only with Filipinos but with people worldwide. It is a universal reset button, allowing us to realign our lives with our core values and aspirations, transcending distinctions of wealth and social status, and uniting us in optimism and renewal.

In the Philippines, the New Year is not just a date on the calendar; it is a vibrant celebration of life and its infinite possibilities. Families come together to share delicious media noche with pancit, lechon, hamon, spaghetti, ice cream, and 12 fruits, while children's eyes light up with the brilliance of baby rocket, bawang, triangulo, kwitis, fountain, and pasirit. It is a testament to the Filipino spirit—resilient, joyful, and eternally hopeful. Filipinos carry this spirit even when far from home, creating pockets of festive warmth in distant lands.


As we enter 2024, it is worth contemplating how we can infuse this year with meaning. This journey begins with introspection—reflecting on those who influence our lives. It is vital to gravitate toward people who inspire and uplift us while distancing ourselves from those who drain our energy. In the coming year, let us have the courage to distance ourselves from negativity and toxicity, and embrace those who encourage our growth and empower our potentials.


Take a moment to assess our social circles and ask: "What value do I bring to my relationships?" The goal is not merely to belong to a group but to contribute significantly. This year, strive to be individuals who bring value through acts of kindness, sharing expertise, or offering encouragement.


Reinvention is a central theme in a year where disruptive innovations and technologies are skyrocketing. The process may be uncomfortable, as it often involves acknowledging that our current selves may not be adequately equipped for future challenges. However, this discomfort is the catalyst for growth. Identify recurring challenges from the past year and develop a step-by-step plan to address them. These challenges may include personal habits, professional skills, technical knowledge, fixed mindset, or emotional responses.


In 2024, your readiness and preparation will prove to be invaluable assets. It is essential to proactively anticipate both forthcoming opportunities and potential challenges that may arise. Those who diligently plan and prepare will find themselves better equipped to traverse the year's journey, increasing their chances of achieving success while navigating its twists and turns with relative ease.


Remember that health is wealth. This year, make a conscious effort to eliminate habits or foods that harm your well-being. Put also your mental welness as your top priority. This act of self-care extends beyond physical and mental health—it is about cultivating discipline, grit, growth mindset, and self-respect.


Faith, often overlooked in our fast-paced world, deserves attention. Nurturing your faith and spirituality can instill discipline, confidence, and resilience regardless of your religious beliefs. It is about believing in something greater than ourselves providing a beacon of hope in challenging times.


Decision-making is a nuanced art form that requires ongoing refinement. As we welcome 2024, let us commit to enhancing our decision-making skills. This endeavor involves a harmonious blend of rational thought and emotional intelligence, especially in high-stakes situations. Elevating our decision-making skills means understanding the intricate interplay between mind and heart, ensuring that each choice is thoughtful and empathetic.


Devoting a dedicated day to comprehensive yearly planning allows you to lay a solid foundation for the upcoming year. It is more than just setting goals; it involves delving into the deeper purpose behind each objective. By understanding the "why" behind your goals, you gain clarity and motivation, ensuring that your actions align with your overarching vision throughout the year.


Acknowledging that challenges are an inherent part of life, especially when striving for substantial achievements, is crucial. These hurdles often serve as opportunities for personal growth and development. By carefully selecting which challenges to engage with, you can channel your time and energy into endeavors that align with your goals, ensuring a more balanced and purposeful journey.


Advocating for social justice enriches life with meaning and purpose. Staying informed about global events empowers you to contribute to a fairer and more just world. By collaborating with others and working toward positive change, we discover that the essence of living lies in our ability to impact the lives of others and the broader community positively.


Lastly, approach the year with a belief that the future is bright. This optimism is not naive; it is a powerful tool that shapes our reality. As we celebrate the New Year, let us do so with a spirit of renewal, a commitment to growth, and hearts full of hope. Here is to a 2024 filled with achievements, happiness, and meaningful relationships. Let us continue to move forward, be lovingly hopeful, and live out a faith that does justice. Happy New Year! (DHL)

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