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Friday, May 17, 2024

Parliament appoints Sheikh Muslim Guiamaden as new Bangsamoro Wali

Sheikh Muslim Guiamaden, the new Bangsamoro Wali, is
flanked by lawmakers.
COTABATO CITY -  The Bangsamoro Parliament convened in a special session on Monday, May 13, to officially appoint Sheikh Muslim Guiamaden as the new Bangsamoro Wali, the ceremonial head of the Bangsamoro government.

    Following deliberations, Bangsamoro lawmakers unanimously adopted a resolution expressing their consensus on the selection of Sheikh Guiamaden for the said role.

    The resolution highlighted Sheikh Guiamaden's character and six decades of dedicated service to the religious and cultural advancement of the Bangsamoro people.

    A graduate of Al-Munawwara College of Da'wah's Jamiah Islamiyah, he previously served in key positions such as the Shariah Supreme Court at Camp Abubakar As-Siddiq and represented the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Qatar.

    The appointment of Sheikh Guiamaden follows a meticulous selection process outlined in the Bangsamoro Administrative Code.

    The Council of Leaders, responsible for advising Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim on governance matters, nominated two candidates, with one nominee voluntarily withdrawing from consideration. The farmer representative to the council has nominated Sheikh Guiamaden.

    To qualify as Wali, candidates must meet stringent criteria outlined in the Bangsamoro Administrative Code, including citizenship, language proficiency, age, residency, and a clean legal record.

    Sheikh Guiamaden's official duties will commence with the opening of the third regular session on May 14, where he will inaugurate the third regular session. His duties will include administering oaths of office and attending public events.

    Moreover, the Wali holds essential powers, such as dissolving the Parliament upon the Chief Minister's advice in the event of a vote of no confidence against the government and calling for new elections.

    Bangsamoro Parliament Speaker Atty. Pangalian Balindong said that the Parliament has approved 58 measures, with 27 receiving approval during the second BTA term, which began in 2022. The Parliament has already approved five priority codes, such as administrative, civil service, education, local governance, and electoral.

    "We must ensure that every bill we pass and every decision we make is guided by a sincere desire to uplift the lives of every Abdul and Fatima in our region. For it is they who have placed their trust in us, and it is they who stand to benefit the most from our actions," Speaker Balindong said.  

    BARMM Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim outlined the agenda for 2024-2025, which includes measures that need to be passed and progress in the region. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)

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