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Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sunday Reflection by Mayor Beng Climaco

PUPPY LOVE Fur-ever!  Papa God, thank you for our lives! I used to whisper this prayer of gratitude for the life of Mimah, her daughter Brunah and her granddaughter Sonah! I am having second thoughts in sharing this, but I take inspiration in sharing this from my affection, desde corazon. 

After Queenie’s tragic accident two months after my Father’s death, I was so fearful getting another dog. My Dad taught us to take care of pets and it has helped me be compassionate as a person. As stewards of God’s creation, they teach us responsibility and kindness tambien.

After a fire incident in Sta. Catalina, 6 years later after Queenie’s loss, I was ready to take on a new pet. Totally opposite from Queenie, I saved up from the phone I swapped with my student Marius. I got Mimah, a black poodle terrier with black nails that assured me her fur would not fade. She came from a friend, Ermin, in Alfredo’s bakeshop and she smelled Vanilla!

The first stop I took was to buy vitamins for this three-month old puppy. I was hesitant to bring her home, fearing I would be scolded. But the moment she was fed, I could hear her growl!  Valiente suyo raza equal con sus mayores maski pequeno. Originally, I called her Chuva (Rain in Brazilian Portuguese) from my Rotary scholarship. She had her initiation to Dr. Anton Lim who was a vet to all the 3, very caring and reliable.

That year 2006, I had a conference on women at San Antonio, Texas, and it was a long trip. On the way, I chaperoned a student to the US and continued on with two more flights. I was away for two weeks. I missed Mimah and General TP. Little did I know, Mimah would cry all night missing me. I would take her with me in my activities and she would bark in objection when young people would clap in conferences. She knew her way with me in the office. 

Then after a year, Dynah of Paws and Claws grooming shop told me it was time for her to be a mom. Out of her 4 puppies, we got Brunah, a biege puppy who was happy and smart.

By 2007, we transferred to a new home. Eventually in 2010 during the SONA, Brunah became a mom. These 3 fur babies fill me with joy as my stress reliever, who followed me wherever I went on the house, my alarm and my protector.

During the Zamboanga Siege, I would go home very late and they comforted me in those difficult times. They enjoyed trips with their heads out to breathe fresh air. All of them were protective of me, even my bag. Every time I travelled, Mimah would be most affected. 

In 2018, I came from Tigbalabag and the three came running up to meet me. As I was dressing up, Mimah gave a loud shriek, I rushed to see her convulsing and her eyes wanting to pop out. I cried not knowing what to do. I wanted to give-up, but Garnette and Dynah, Gina and Nengay called Dr. Irma and Dr. Chris who consulted Dr. Anton Lim. That night Mimah would have 5 attacks and I gave her medicines from the syringe. I would cradle her in my arms like a baby and every attack would spurt involuntary urine - heat stroke. She was put on dextrose. Miraculously she survived but eventually became blind. 

As my political battles increase, Mimah and the Fur babies comforted me. When I cried, they would lick my face. Mimah never gave up and she would memorize the steps of the stairs to be with me. Learning the value of life, losing my parents and Queenie, I was thankful to God. Here are 3 wonderful reasons that give me joy from the stress. Mimah taught me resilience and courage to keep up the fight to life. 

The lockdowns were opportunities for me to work from home and she would be beside me in Zoom sessions, even international talks in the evening. Having other attacks, she could no longer walk. I would take her out to pee and she instinctively responded. I would be so proud of her. The two would watch over Mimah. I marked her 15th birthday last January 17th. She enjoyed Nangka cake by my cousin Bong. 

Being busy for SOCA, Mimah would cry in pain due to kidney failure. Of course I would be bothered when she cried. Then one afternoon after she was given a bath, I could feel spasm in her head. I would comfort her, but had to work. I got home past 7 p.m. and her legs were convulsing.

I cradled her in my arm with Dr. Irmah administering dextrose. Garnette played Mama Mia to relax her. That evening, I slept with her and in her pain gave her water from the syringe, she would drink con gusto. I played inspirational songs and we both slept, I woke up 30 minutes past midnight...Mimah left us. 

My husband patted me in the shoulders and the two was with Mimah! I write this because I mourn the loss of a gentle creature that depended on me for care and comfort. There are processes of grieving. It has been difficult, but I find comfort in everyone who made Mimah’s life significant. Others may belittle this, but this has taught me God’s love. I have not fully learned Mimah’s purpose, but Brunah, Sonah are here to continue the journey. All creatures great and small are God’s blessings. We are taught to be good stewards of God’s creation! (MBC)

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