Divine Mercy Sunday
Acts 4:32-35, Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
1 John 5:1-6, John 20:19-31
DIOS TIENE perdon y misericordia canamon! Let our faith in God triumph over our fears and over the pandemic! I heard myself say this on TV and like Thomas, I doubted. Ya entra duda porcausa de miedo el caso de Covid-19 desde 50 mas, ahora mas de 300 y ta subi pa. Verdad este Pandemia bien peligroso y ta causa vida, dolor y monton de difficultad. Este el Domingo de Divino Misericordia de Dios. Na di aton maga lingasa, dolor y duda, saca fuerza con Dios!
My world is shaken often because of uncertainty and persistent negativity. How do I survive from my struggle? This verse from today’s Psalm is the answer: “I was hard pressed and was falling, but the LORD helped me. My strength and my courage is the LORD, and he has been my savior. The joyful shout of victory in the tents of the just!”
Our Fears may be big just like the pandemic that is growing with the virus mutating and becoming more deadly. But we must look deeper in our lives. Habla gane sila, GOD is greater than our problems, than the pandemic.
Easter is a wonderful season to renew our faith, hope and love in God! This is in the Second Reading: “For the love of God is this, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome, for whoever is begotten by God conquers the world. And the victory that conquers the world is our faith. Who indeed is the victor over the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?”
The Gospel narrated the doubt Thomas had when he was informed Jesus appeared. As the cases grew, we had to call emergency meetings. We work tirelessly hasta pasada la medianoche. I visited the Covid Isolation Centers. I was met with co-workers in government. Two nurses were with me in the isolation. Na otro lado talya maga Covid patients, tiene uban na Govierno. Tiene tambien ya despidi and we pray for them.
I inspected the rooms and in a cottage we prayed to God through our Mother Mary.
The Archdiocese of Zamboanga and the Ateneo de Zamboanga have been very helpful in our treatment of Covid patients. It was a heavy, difficult and sad situation for me to discover. It brought me to tears. But what strengthened me were the nurses whose passion for patients, for their mission and a grateful heart for negative swab in the face of danger. They draw strength from their families. They stay in isolation centers, cooking their own food and not minding their sacrifices to take care of the sick.
Dr. Josh Brillantes, of the DOH, invited me to a special send-off. Eleven Nurses, Midwives and Medical Technologists from Region 9 said YES to help NCR fight the pandemic. They responded with the same caliber of courage to go where the need is, answering to their calling. Life may bring us to peril, danger and visible enemies that destroy us as the pandemic unleashes its destruction.
In today’s Gospel, Jesus' greeting is mentioned three times: “PEACE BE WITH YOU!” If we only listen to God’s call, we allow the Father’s Divine Mercy flow in Jesus with the courage the Holy Spirit gives. UNFAZED/ UNAFRAID WE STAND OUR GROUND BY GOD’s MERCY. (Excerpt from the homily of Fr. Jet Villarin, S.J.) We will find Peace! PANATAG ang LOOB! All things are possible and we will be saved by GOD’s DIVINE MERCY! (MBC)
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