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Thursday, August 12, 2021

No firearms for barangay tanods

THE DEPARTMENT of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) said barangay tanods and other members of so-called “police auxiliary units” are not allowed - under the law - to carry firearms while on their official duties and functions.

DILG Secretary Eduardo Año said Republic Act (RA) No. 10591 or The Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act enacted in 2012, revoked the authority of police auxiliary units, including barangay tanods to carry firearms, which was previously allowed by Circular 2008-013 of the National Police Commission. 

“While we acknowledge that barangay tanods play a complementary role to local authorities in the maintenance of the peace of order in their respective communities, we firmly reiterate that they are not authorized to carry any firearm in the performance of their duties even if they own these firearms,” Año said, adding, the law is clear that registered firearms of local governments shall only be issued to a government official or employee with a permanent plantilla position. 

“Since the barangay tanod position is not part of the plantilla, barangay tanods are, therefore, not authorized to bear firearms while on duty,” he said. 

Año called on all local chief executives to direct all barangay tanods within their respective jurisdiction not to carry any firearm while in the performance of their duties and functions or face charges from the DILG. 

Under DILG Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2003-42, barangay tanods may only use nightstick with teargas and handcuff. Año said if a barangay tanod feels that they are in a potentially dangerous situation they can always seek the help of the local police or other barangay tanods. (Rhoderick Benez and Malou Cablinda)

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