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Sunday, September 5, 2021

FROM THE MAIL: Poems by Gamson Jr Mawallil Quijano


COVID-19, go away! 

We don’t want you to stay

Too much damage you convey 

Everyone is so dismayed   


Many precious souls have perished 

Coz you are extremely selfish 

I pray tomorrow you’ll demise 

So lives will once again flourish


COVID-19 stop devastating 

Our dear front-liners are exhausting

World economy is now suffering

And every employee is worrying 


Have pity to our children 

They badly miss their school friends 

Learning would never be the same 

Now just online from face to face


We appreciate lessons you’ve taught

It would forever be in our thoughts 

Anyway pack now all the things you’ve brought 

And allow us to wear our new clothes


Cherish people of the world 

Everyone must get involve 

Heed guidelines being unfold

For this crisis to resolve



Love for Nature


Precious pearls to see in the deep blue sea

Fish around coral reefs, playing with glee


Green hued scenery invigorates perfectly

Breathing in and out oh how so refreshingly


We hike to entertain in the summit mountains

Seeing beautiful things that no words can explain 


Fresh fruits and vegetables nourish us to survive

Like forever in this world we all shall be alive 


Sounds of singing birds, isn't it relaxing?

For the world, a message of love proclaiming


Crystal water flows freshly in a river so cool

Bathing in it cures stress for the body and soul 


For such Gift of Nature, everyone must be grateful 

Weeping, seeing her sadly ruined is SHAMEFUL  


Tranquility and happiness She gives that's gratis for sure

Yet for selfish gains, Nature people foolishly destroy


Thus today, if we all fail to give Nature its protection 

Our next generation would suffer great repercussions


Didn't  heartily Mother Earth, love us with no expectations?

Woefully so badly drained, why must we leave her heartbroken?



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