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Monday, October 11, 2021

4 AFP senior officers promoted to higher ranks

ARMED FORCES  of the Philippines (AFP) chief-of-staff, Gen. Jose Faustino Jr., on Monday donned new ranks to four promoted senior officers in Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City.  

“These gentlemen have consistently exemplified professionalism and excellence in their duties as leaders of their respective units and offices, which rightfully earned them their promotions,” Faustino said in a statement.

Promoted to Major General was AFP Deputy Chief-of-Staff for Financial Management (DCS FMO, J-10), Brig. Gen. Rolando E. Nerona.

As the DCS FMO, Nerona facilitated the efficient and prompt appropriation and management of fiscal resources intended for the AFP and its subordinate units.

Also promoted to Major General was Brig. Gen. Jeffrey C. Hechanova, Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, J-5. He led the crafting and approval of various AFP publications related to defense and security policy and strategy direction.

Meanwhile, Colonels Edgar M. Cardinoza and George Joel N. Lalaquil both earned their first star as Brigadier General.

Cardinoza and Lalanquil are the Commander, AFP Health Services Command (AFPHSC) and Commander, General Headquarters and Headquarters Service Command (GHQ & HSC), respectively.

The AFPHSC continues to provide reliable healthcare to personnel under the leadership of Cardinoza. Their role has been essential in the AFP’s response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19).

Meanwhile, Lalanquil led his command in ensuring the safety and security of the military’s main office. They have also facilitated the conduct of several safety drills and defense rehearsals inside the camp.

“Let these new, shining stars, therefore, serve as reminders of the greater and higher responsibilities that come with it. It is also my most earnest hope that your latest promotion does not add burden on your shoulders but rather inspire you to aspire into becoming even better military leaders with both mind and heart in service of the Filipino people,” Faustino said. (Priam Nepomuceno)

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