I PRAYED, and prudence was given me; I pleaded, and the spirit of wisdom came to me.
We need the Holy Spirit to grant us wisdom especially to guide and direct our decisions and actions. We are in a pandemic and times are quite DIFFICULT and TOTALLY DIFFERENT. The Delta variant of the new coronavirus is highly transmissible and has infected families, homes, and caused deaths. To be a Mayor and serve the City in these times are very challenging. Poreso bien importante reza con el Spiritu Santo para saber.
Fr. Jet Villarin, S.J., in his homily, said: “Politics is an eminent gateway to public service!” He further narrated that the question he would ask of Presidential candidates and for me personally is: “What must I do to gain eternal life?” It is an important question we need to ask ourselves because it is the essence of life we are bound for life after with Jesus. For all those who are responding to the call of public service we need an interior dialogue with God.
We are in a difficult times. Si sigi lang quierer dimio anda kita na Fort Pilar reza atende y na fiesta man procession y fiesta con el mayoria del peregrinos atende. Na subida del enfermo y caso mucho ta tormenta resulla y falta el oxygen, maga medico na frontera hasta na barangay bien cansao y enfermo también.
Ya dale orden para privini possible “super spreader,” ya tiene que menora el misa y peregrinos. Triste, duele y deficil entende. Mucho disatisfechao y rabyao. I prayed to God y La Virgen Pilar cosa el quierer y dale saber - Wisdom del Espiritu Santo. Amidst all the disappointment and anger, what could be God's message and La Virgen Pilar's wishes?
In my reflection, we need to pray for our hearts to be purified from all the anger and negativity, blaming and bashing and focus on Mama Mary. She holds Jesus in her hands, she carried Jesus in her womb and brought forth LIFE! We are made to realize LIFE IS PRECIOUS and we need to pray for all who are affected and infected and those who died.
Allow me to share a text message I received from a Covid-positive frontliner: “Thank you so much Ma’am. Sorry Ma’am I wasn’t able to block the entry of this virus in my body. Even though I, we were very delicate in following the health protocols, still the virus gets through. I am feeling very down right now Ma'am because for the very first time I was not able to visit and serve our Nuestra Señora la Virgen del Pilar because I am on quarantine Ma’am. I will promise Ma’am I will get back stronger and serve again the people of Zamboanga, especially those who need our help Ma’am, But for now I need to help myself first Ma’am. Thank you so much Ma’am Mayor Beng. We are always here to support you Ma’am, We are always here for you Ma’am, Praying for you Ma’am. God Bless Ma’am. Stay safe Ma’am. I Love Zamboanga!”
There are Covid-positive frontliners serving us from a distance just for us to pray. The message of Mary to me is for her to visit us in our hearts wherever we may be, in the hospitals, quarantine facilities, homes and abroad. This is the essence of commemorating the Fiesta de La Virgen Pilar. La Virgen Pilar y Jesus visita canaton y entra na di aton corazon dale nuevo vida, curada, y triumpo contra pandemia. May we renew our hearts and minds in commemorating the Fiesta of La Virgen Pilar. Jesus looked at them and said: “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.” Viva La Virgen Pilar! (MBC)
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