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Friday, November 19, 2021

OPINION: I Love Sulu by Jazmihar S. Anni

‘Sulu State College sumuungsung na mahinang university’

YARI NA pyapaaun in mga hinang pakaradjaan sin pagiyanun pagpa “accredit” sin Sulu State College Graduate Studies ha CHED ha mga courses offered nila (7 in taud) sumaghawa waypa dimaragbus in accreditation.

Kagunahan ine ha supaya magmumpaat in mga karayawan kyatatagnaan na hinang sin Sulu State College para ma “elevate in standard” sin school ha pag-uuhanan sin College President Charisma Samparani Ututalum iban na sin Dean sin Graduate Studies Masnona Sabdani Asiri lamud na hinda Prof Valentino Ting, Prof Amilhamja, Prof Tony Pescadera, Prof. Salapuddin, Prof Ryan Amin iban na sin kaybanan way na nagkasagbut (magmaap).

SSC graduate studies gear up for accreditation.

The Predicament

The Dean was in a dilemma. She had already asked the help of Graduate Studies enrollees who had volunteered, some of them rather reluctantly. Yet the task on hand still waits to be sorted out. Tabbing had been done by some of the students but a majority of the work had to be completed arduously by the instructors themselves. Partly because of the fact that there is a need for additional equipment like printers which can scan long bond paper and the fact that the volunteers probably do not know how important is the work they were supposed to do.

Masnona Sabdani Asiri, Dean of Graduate Studies of Sulu State College ponders what to do. There were 7 courses offered by SSC in the Graduate Studies Department that have to be accredited in the first level. They are:

1.       Master of Business Administration

2.      Master of Arts in Language Teaching-English

3.      Master of Arts in Language Teaching Filipino

4.      Master of Arts in Social Science

5.      Master of Arts in Mathematics

6.      Master of Science in Agriculture

7.      Doctor of Public Administration

Two courses - Master in Public Administration and Master of Arts in Education had already been accredited in the first level.

She had consulted faculty members and asked the approval of SSC President on what she was about to do. But this is a decision she must stand for. She needs all the help she can get in order to meet the deadline on December 5, 2021. The present scenario will not account for the probability of the accreditation documents to be submitted on time. She must do more. And the rest as well. Everyone needed to cooperate.

She must come up with a solution…fast. She called up for a meeting with Graduate Studies students and presented her proposal. They can continue with their respective classes and do the usual reporting, paperwork, assignments and final exams or waive them all in favor of volunteer work until the goal of the department is accomplished. This would probably mean certainty in passing respective subjects without any further intellectual effort provided commitment to the task and physical presence on Saturdays and Sundays are complied with as well as dedication to perform the duties required in order to accomplish the necessary papers for accreditation on time.


In the meeting with graduate students, the dean with the presence of other instructors emphasized the importance of volunteer work and how important it is for now. “VOLUNTEERISM IS A GREAT VALUE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN INSTILLED IN US”, she said.

The volunteer work that the students are about to embark on is for a noble cause…for the Tausogs and for future generations and that the volunteers are part of the legacy of SSC.

They have envisioned the future of SSC. The task on hand is a prelude to Sulu State College becoming a state university.

It was a crucial time for SSC Graduate Studies and the stakes are high. Some of the courses being offered by SSC are presently allowed by CHED but it may be abolished if SSC has not solicited its accreditation as mandated by the Commission.  And now, with a new leadership in the person of SSC President Charisma Samparani Ututalum at the helm, SSC is getting ready to be re-institutionalized. The ambition is big… becoming a university in the near future. And they shall continually elevate the status of SSC until it is at par with other learning institutions.

This would mean more jobs for the Tausogs, competitive standard of education right in the province of Sulu without going outside of the province and the legacy behind it… BEING PART OF THE CATALYST FOR THIS TRANSFORMATION.

The students were elated, where before only a handful had professed to volunteer; now almost all have agreed to become part of this legacy. The dean left them on their own to be able to come up with a solution on how they can help materialize their efforts in order to help the school.

 Tears of Joy

The meeting was reconvened. The dean wanted to hear from her students the possibility of them helping with their own ideas or initiatives. After meeting with their group, MPA students in the person of Josel Ian T. Miranda, who acted as their team leader happily announced their commitment – a donation of 2 sets of printer needed by the department and maybe another one more if those who are not present can contribute plus other material that the department may need urgently …. At this, Professor Masnona Sabdani Asiri was stunned… After all the pressure that must have fallen on her shoulder being the dean of the department in which the courses are to be accredited, she was speechless. She did not expect such generosity from her students and their willingness to cooperate.  She tried to cover her tears. Consequently, Prof Tony Pescadera took the stand and explained more about the importance and significance of the project on hand, which is the accreditation of SSC to the Commission on Higher Education. Later on, having composed herself, she expressed her utmost thanks, as this augmentation of equipment would definitely fast track the completion of paperwork that has to be submitted. The group from MAED had also signified their intention to donate 1 set of printer while explaining that several from their group do not have jobs.

An Institution of Integrity

MPA students present in the meeting with the Dean and other faculty members have immediately contributed and sought out the purchase of the printers as urgently as they have agreed upon within their group. In fact, they had immediately purchased not just 2 but 3 sets of printers to be donated to the school. Not only are they a part of the school, but “We wanted to be part of the Legacy,” they said.

As they were about to officially turn over the printers to the administrators of the school, IT WAS REFUSED. They were flabbergasted! How did it come to this? The president does not want how it was procured to be donated. She did not like the fact that the students had to shell out a certain amount of money personally so they could contribute to the printer. She politely had the money contributed by the students returned to them and if they have already bought the printer that she can pay for the said printers from her own pocket money just so that the money raised by the students from their personal contributions be returned.

The MPA students were caught off guard, after all, it was agreed and volunteered by themselves without any imposition from the Dean or other faculty members.

Though they were refused and the money collected from contributions were returned the MPA students were awed… While SSC is at the verge of intense pressure to pursue accreditation, they did not realize such a strong sense of integrity still exists.

The word STALWART, which SSC assimilates, stands true with the Institution. LONG LIVE SSC! The people of Sulu are behind you in this great and promising endeavor!

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