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Sunday, February 13, 2022

Covid survivors given cash aid

HUNDREDS OF Covid-19 survivors received financial assistance from Mayor Beng Climaco as part of the local government’s support to those who recovered from the deadly respiratory disease.

She said the assistance is part of the social services by the local government under the Social Amelioration Program. Each Covid-19 survivor who suffered severe infection receives P5, 000 and P3,000 each for those who had minor symptoms. 

Climaco said the financial aid to sectors severely affected by the health crisis is intended to help alleviate their plight amid the challenges posed by the pandemic.

“The financial aid we are giving to the people is also the people’s money, thus it should go back to the people in the form of financial assistance and projects and programs aimed at improving their welfare, their lives - Curada, Comida y Busca Vida na tiempo de pandemia,” said Climaco, who is running for congresswoman in District 1 in the May polls.

Last month, she also distributed cash assistance to the beneficiaries of the Covid-19 recovery and rehabilitation plan.

The cash aid covers only those who were infected with the virus starting June 1, 2021 as the 2021 Supplemental Budget 1 where the funds are taken, was approved late by members of the City Council. The LSAP roll out for Covid-19 survivors started in August last year.

The distribution of cash aid is being facilitated by the City Social Welfare and Development Office with paymasters from the City Treasurer’s Office. LSAP covers different sectors affected by the pandemic. (Zamboanga Post)


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