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Friday, May 13, 2022

AirAsia Philippines bullish on 2Q2022 performance vis-a-vis election mobility

MANILA - AirAsia Philippines records a 553% growth in total guests flown this April 2022 versus the same month last year, an indicator of the airline’s strong momentum toward recovery. 

The world’s best low-cost airline enters mid-2Q2022 with a high 306% growth in total guests flown from January to April versus the same period of 2021. 

The influx of passengers is a manifestation of the high mobility rate in the Philippines amid the election season. To further encourage the electorate to exercise their right to suffrage, the airline rolled out two election-specific promos in the past two months – the Fly Home to Vote and Buy 1, Take 1 Para sa Pili-Pinas flight promos, which were availed by a total of 91,997 guests. 

Confidence to travel also rose significantly post-Omicron surge as observed in AirAsia’s forward booking rate. In April alone, the airline was able to achieve 63% of its pre-pandemic figures for travel happening in two to three months, while it reached 39% for bookings 90 days ahead of travel date and beyond. Caticlan (Boracay), Kalibo, Cebu, Tagbilaran (Panglao) and Tacloban still remained the top destinations of choice amongst AirAsia guests.

'The world’s best low-cost airline welcomes Q2 with April seat bookings hitting a staggering 553% growth versus same period last year Growth is attributed to mobility amid the election season further spurred by the airline’s various promos encouraging the electorate to exercise their right to vote.' 

AirAsia Philippines CEO Ricky Isla said: “Our right to vote is enshrined in our constitution and we at AirAsia are glad to have given our guests an attainable option for transportation as they travelled to and from their respective precincts this election season. Apart from the interzonal travel vis-a-vis the elections, the number of guests we have flown and the rise in advance bookings by at least two months in the past quarter are representative of the strong momentum toward recovery, which is sure to reinforce our country’s economic standing as we ready to exit the pandemic.”

To sustain its momentum for the next quarters, AirAsia Philippines also increased its weekly flight frequency for the month of May by 16%.   

AirAsia Philippines flies to Caticlan 35x weekly as of May 10, which will be increased to 38x by the end of the month; Iloilo – 18x weekly and will be increased to 30x weekly; Tacloban 28x weekly; Tagbilaran – 21x weekly; Puerto Princesa – 19x weekly; Bacolod – 18x weekly, but will be increased to 21x by the end of the month; Davao 14x weekly; Cagayan – 9x weekly, and will be increased to 11x before the end of the month; Kalibo 18x to 27x weekly before the end of the month; and Cebu – 28x weekly. 

Forward bookings for the month of May have also started to pick-up with close to 130,000 seats already sold.

“We expect the demand to increase towards the end of Q2 for travels which will be made for Q3 and Q4.  AirAsia Philippines is committed to providing our guests with flexible schedules, affordable fares and the safest means of transportation to their destinations.  We will also continue to provide our guests with exciting promos to match their travel needs,” Isla said. (Richard Ebona)

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