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Sunday, May 15, 2022

OPINION: Sunday Reflection by Mayor Beng Climaco (Zamboanga City)

JESUS SAID: “My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish. No one can take them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and no one can take them out of the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one.”

Jesus, the Good Shepherd, leads us to safety where we can be fed and nourished. The past weeks we have heard of Jesus. The Bread of Life! Today we prayed as a family after two years of pandemic. The blessing came when the little ones were able to receive their first communion and now more attentive to mass. All seven grandchildren received Jesus the Bread of Life in the Sacred Heart Church. 

Fr. Edwin Castillo made a wonderful homily citing one of my favorite lines from the movie in the theme of “The Cardinal.” Stay With Me, a song by Frank Sinatra: 

Should my heart not be humble, should my eyes fail to see.

Should my feet sometimes stumble on the way, stay with me

Like the lamb that in Springtime wanders far from the fold

Comes the darkness and the frost, I get lost, I grow cold

I grow cold, I grow weary, and I know I have sinned

And I go seeking shelter and I cry in the wind

Though I grope, and I blunder, and I kneel, and I'm wrong

Though the rose buckles under where I walk, walk along

'Til I find to my wonder every task leads to thee

Or that I can do it, pray, stay with me

Stay with me

I recall my nephew, Pepi, when he was preparing for his First Communion, singing this song. Today he is now a dad to Raffa and husband to Diana who gave me a beautiful bouquet! May we always hold dear God’s greatest gift in the Eucharist. 

For the Final Prayer, Fr. Edwin Castillo S.J., mentioned 10 Traits of a Mother. A mother gives-up a piece of cake for her child even if she wanted it. This is similar to what I said, in explaining my role as Mayor in the purchase of rice during the pandemic. 

As a Mother, I give the people of Zamboanga what was best “special and premium” because you deserve the best. This I did to feed the hungry, and my soul is at peace since I have done my best for my family. Today in lunch we had a long table and I was busy making sure everyone had their plates and food only to find out I was left without a plate. Ansina el nana, masquin man con hambre basta lang alegre maga bata y familia! Mary, our Mother, thank you for giving us Jesus our Good Shepherd. We follow you Lord! (MBC) 

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