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Sunday, February 26, 2023

BTA proposes Bangsamoro Regional Institute for Higher Islamic Studies

THE BANGSAMORO Transition Authority’s Committee on Basic, Higher, and Technical Education deliberated on the proposed measure seeking to establish an Islamic institution of learning.

The BTA Bill No. 31 intends to create a madrasah, which shall be known as the Bangsamoro Regional Institute for Higher Islamic Studies.

Once it is approved, Kuliyyah Higher Learning Institution will offer Islamic and Arabic studies courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. It will promote research, advanced studies, and progressive leadership in its areas of expertise.

The proposed measure, according to Chair Eddie Alih, will repeal the Muslim Mindanao Autonomy Act No. 164, also known as the Regional Madrasah Graduate Education Act of 2003.

The committee also amended and adopted the committee's internal rules in their meeting this morning.

The committee elected chairs and vice chairs for each subcommittee, including Mohammad Kellie Antao as chair and Jaafar Apollo Mikhail Matalam as vice chair for the subcommittee on basic education; Susana Anayatin as chair and Nurredha Misuari as vice chair for the subcommittee on higher education; Ali Montaha Babao as chair and Said Shiek as vice chair for the subcommittee on technical education; Abdulwahab Pak as chair and Abdulaziz Amenoden as vice chair for the subcommittee on Madaris education; and Jaafar Apollo Mikhail Matalam as chair and Mudjib Abu as vice chair for the sub-committee on sports development.

The CBHTE has jurisdiction over all matters concerning education, schools, universities, colleges, madrasahs, the welfare of teachers and students, alternative learning systems, scholarships, and special, non-formal, and technical education and training. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)

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