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Sunday, February 26, 2023

Health projects presented to Bangsamoro Parliament

THE MINISTRY of Health presented to the Bangsamoro Parliament’s Health Committee the status of various projects supported by the Transitional Development Impact Fund (TDIF) and Special Development Fund (SDF).

Appropriation, allotment, obligation, and disbursement for fiscal years 2020, 2021, and 2022 of TDIF and SDF were also discussed by the committee.

As presented by the MOH, among the projects funded under the TDIF are: sea medical ambulances with emergency equipment; land medical ambulances; mobile clinics; cadaver transport vehicles; and medical scholarship program, among others.

Meanwhile, SDF projects include infrastructure and purchasing equipment for hospitals in the Bangamoro region.

The committee, according to COH Chair Dr. Kadil Sinolinding Jr., will hold another meeting to orient the MPs with the ministry’s programs and to address any issues and concerns encountered during the implementation of TDIF and SDF. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)




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