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Sunday, September 24, 2023

BTA Office of Secretary-General hones its diplomatic skills

STAFF MEMBERS of the Office of the Secretary-General recently finished the "Basic Training in Handling Diplomatic and Government Protocols" held at the Em Manor Hotel here.


The training, organized and conducted by the BTA Parliament Protocol and Decorum Division, under the Division Chief Tohamy P. Ampatua, was aimed at imparting knowledge on etiquette and social graces for official functions, visits, ceremonies, and special occasions that demand a strict order of precedence, proper decorum, and diplomatic guest relations procedures. 

During the two-day event, participants acquired invaluable experience, significantly elevating their social competence and confidence when representing the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) in formal and diplomatic gatherings, both locally and internationally. These essential skills play a pivotal role in fostering relationships with other officials and enhancing the effectiveness of diplomatic engagements and negotiations. 

Reginald M. Pastrana, key expert of Support to Bangsamoro Transition (SUBATRA), facilitated the training and emphasized the significance of diplomatic protocol in government and state relations. Among the topics discussed during the training were the following: Introduction to diplomatic protocol, Elements of diplomatic protocol, Savoir-vivre: Key elements; Rules on personal (diplomatic) etiquette, Cultural sensitivity and gestures, Flag protocol and Diplomatic security protocol. 

Chef Yusop Dimaporo, a promising young Bangsamoro entrepreneur, also shared insights into fine dining experiences, proper dining setups, food service, and dining etiquette. As a culmination of the training, all participants were treated to a firsthand experience of fine dining in the French style. 

Secretary-General Professor Raby B. Angkal

Professor Raby B. Angkal is the current Secretary-General of the Bangsamoro Parliament. He carries out and enforces orders and decisions of the Parliament; keeps the Journal of each session; notes all questions of order together with the decisions thereon; complete the printing and distribution of the Records of the Parliament and submits to the Speaker all contracts and agreements approval. 

Speaker and lawyer Pangalian Balindong

He also acts as the custodian of the property and records of the Parliament and all other government property in its premises. Subject to the supervision control of the Speaker, the Secretary General is the immediate chief of the personnel of the Parliament and is responsible for the faithful and proper performance of their official duties. Prominent lawyer and statesman Pangalian Balindong is the current Parliament Speaker. (OSG ComSec / SMA)

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