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Friday, January 5, 2024

AFP 'moves as one' in defeating threats to nat'l security

THE LEADERSHIP  of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) has vowed to "move as one" under the administration of President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. in defeating threats to peace and national security, assuring that the military remains loyal to the Constitution.

In a statement Thursday, AFP chief, Gen. Romeo Brawner Jr. said the military continues to exemplify the "highest standards" of professionalism.

"With the strong leadership of our Commander-in-Chief, the AFP will move as one in defeating all threats to our peace and national security," Brawner said on the "emerging challenges of 2024."

The AFP, he said, stands firm in its “unwavering loyalty to the Constitution and its solemn commitment to fulfill its mandate."

"The men and women of the AFP remain steadfast in their role as the guardians of our nation’s sovereignty and defender of democratic principles," Brawner said.

AFP spokesperson Col. Medel Aguilar, when sought for clarification as to Brawner's statement, declined to comment, saying "the statement is good enough."

PNP validating reports of destabilization plot

Philippine National Police spokesperson Col. Jean Fajardo said the PNP, along with the AFP, is "validating information" about any destabilization plots.

"We want to assure the public that the PNP remains apolitical, intact, solid, and professional," she added.

Echoing Brawner's statement, Fajardo said the PNP is loyal to the Constitution and would only obey legal orders of the duly constituted authorities.( Priam Nepomuceno)

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