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Monday, May 27, 2024

BARMM solons file economic empowerment bill for ex-women combatants

COTABATO CITY — A measure that will provide a comprehensive framework for the economic and social empowerment of former women combatants has been filed in the Bangsamoro Parliament.

The authors of Parliament Bill No. 292, or the Economic Empowerment of Former Bangsamoro Women Combatants Act of 2024, explained that successful reintegration of former combatants into society, particularly women who played important roles during the Bangsamoro struggle, is vital to the peace process’s sustainability.

These women served as fighters, medics, intelligence officers, political commissars, and support personnel, contributing immensely to the Bangsamoro people’s quest for self-determination.

It explained that many of these former combatants now face the challenge of rebuilding their lives and securing sustainable livelihoods.

Under PB No. 292, former women combatants, defined as women members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), are prioritized if they meet specific criteria, including transitioning from armed conflict to advocating peace and development in their communities and providing informed consent to participate in the programs.

The proposed legislation outlines various programs and interventions designed to support former women combatants in becoming active agents of peace and development within their communities.

These include active citizenship, entrepreneurial leadership and management, skills training and development, livelihood assistance, agricultural and industry development, business incubation and development, access to financial resources, market access and linkages, psychosocial services, and other economic empowerment programs.

A Coordinating Council will be established to ensure effective implementation and monitoring of the programs.

Members of Parliament Diamila Disimban-Ramos, Eddie Alih, and Atty. Suharto Ambolodto are the principal authors of the bill, while MPs Dr. Susana Anayatin, Michael Midtimbang, Tawakal Midtimbang, Basit Abbas, Abdullah Macapaar, Mohammad Kelie Antao, Ali Solaiman, Nabila Margarita Pangandaman, Engr. Don Mustapha Loong, Nurredha Misuari, Hamid Malik, and Ali Montaha Babao are co-authors. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)

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