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Monday, May 27, 2024

Legislators file bill to establish regional diagnostic and clinical laboratory

COTABATO CITY — In continuing efforts to improve healthcare accessibility, Bangsamoro legislators have filed a measure to establish a regional diagnostic and clinical laboratory.

Highlighting the need for such a facility, the bill’s explanatory note underscores the current inadequacies in specialized medical testing within the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region.

Presently, many specialized tests prescribed by attending physicians are unavailable locally, necessitating the transportation of patients’ specimens to distant facilities such as the Southern Philippine Medical Center in Davao City or, in some cases, the Philippine General Hospital in Manila.

The situation not only delays diagnosis but also imposes a burden on patients.

One of the bill’s key authors, Member of Parliament Engr. Baintan Ampatuan, reiterated the importance of setting up a clinical laboratory in the region.

Through Parliament Bill No. 290, or the Bangsamoro Diagnostic and Clinical Laboratory Act of 2024, attending physicians will be able to diagnose patients’ conditions promptly and lessen their burden.

The proposed laboratory will be equipped with complete special tests and staffed by highly competitive and well-trained personnel.

It will serve as the referral laboratory for the laboratory tests ordered by the attending physicians, which are not available in their own facilities.

Additionally, the laboratory will function as the official facility for the annual diagnostic examinations of all employees of the ministries and offices of the Bangsamoro government.

MPs Engr. Don Mustapha Loong, Rasul Ismael, and Atty. Rasol Mitmug, Jr. introduced the bill with MPs Atty. Laisa Alamia, Amilbahar Mawallil, Atty. Suharto Ambolodto, Tawakal Midtimbang, Jaafar Apollo Mikhail Matalam, Michael Midtimbang, Atty. Sittie Fahanie Uy-Oyod, Khalid Maamor Hadji Abdullah, Bassir Utto, and Ali Sangki co-authoring. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)

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