Baptism of Our Lord
1: John 5:1 “All those who believe that Jesus is anointed are born of God.”
TODAY WE celebrate the very important feast of the Baptism of Jesus. And in the Gospel, God the Father affirms the goodness of Jesus, His Son! Mark1: 11 “You are my Son, the Beloved, the one I have Chosen.” Or You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” What an important manifestation of God as Jesus begins His ministry.
When I was a teacher, I would make it an aim to affirm the goodness of my students by writing notes on their test papers and essays. When I was starting, I would make bookmarks for my students and would leave posters to remind them to strive for excellence. It is very important for children to find affirmation in order to encourage them to continue their good work. Since we are all God’s children, it is important once in a while to be reminded we are on the good path which we need to keep doing.
This pandemic year, I reflected on the six times I was swabbed. I have seen how the ones who did the swab test grew in confidence by repetitive work. In every trial and every waiting moment, I was brought to my knees with uncertainty. Thanks be to God and La Virgen Pilar all tests turned negative! Why? Because in following Jesus who was anointed by God, I am called on a mission to serve those who are in need and those who are sick.
Last Friday, it was my Tita's 9th day prayer, we entered her on her 95th birthday. As her coffin was entombed, we sang a birthday song in a most difficult funeral for Covid patients. The ZCDRRMO, CHO and friend of the family assisted us.
Also on Friday after the press briefer, upon the suggestion of the doctor, we prayed virtually and said I love you to my 99 year-old Tito. We could see him in the Covid ward as he took a difficult breath. By Saturday, I had to rush from an activity for the funeral. Finally, they are joined in God’s eternal embrace. Covid took their lives in such a difficult circumstance, with loved ones away.
In this most difficult time, I surrender and carry on knowing that Jesus the beloved who pleased the Father leads us to navigate the difficult times and bring us together virtually closer - GOD will make all things well! As we mourn, we lift them to Jesus knowing they are safely home. Our deepest gratitude to all who helped from the dedicated care givers to frontliners and friends! God’s love nourish you! Vaya con Dios! (MBC)
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