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Friday, December 15, 2023

Opinion: NORTH EXPRESS By Reginald B. Tamayo (Marikina City)

The Commercialization Charade: Unveiling Christmas True Essence

The first Christmas recounts the humble birth of Jesus in a manger to his parents, Mama Mary and St. Joseph, who were of modest means. It serves as a powerful reminder of Jesus' remarkable humility and his compassion for the poor and marginalized. This depiction serves as a poignant reminder to believers of the importance of values such as humility, simplicity, and the significance of the less fortunate in the eyes of God.

However, over time, the true message of the first Christmas has been overshadowed by the commercialization of the holiday. Christmas has increasingly become associated with extravagant decorations, lavish gifts, and excessive consumerism. Instead of focusing on the core teachings of Jesus, the emphasis has shifted towards material possessions and wealth. This commercialization has diverted attention from the essence of Christmas, which ideally should revolve around love, compassion, and the celebration of Jesus' birth.

In the Bible, it is written that Jesus entered the temple and drove out those who were selling and buying within its premises. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. Jesus declared, "My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of robbers" (Matthew 21:12-17).

In this context, Jesus' actions of driving out the money changers from the temple can be seen as a metaphorical message or a symbolic rejection of the commercialization of Christmas. He was appalled to find the temple filled with individuals seeking personal gain by exploiting its religious significance. Jesus, displaying righteous anger, forcefully expelled them, overturning tables and condemning their actions. This action can be interpreted as a demonstration of his disapproval of transforming religious rituals into a marketplace.

Jesus' desire for a truly meaningful and spiritual experience during the holiday season should serve as a reminder to us Christians to focus on the fundamental reason for the season, rather than getting caught up in the superficial trappings that have come to define Christmas in modern society. Ultimately, we can rediscover the true meaning of Christmas and honor Jesus' teachings by valuing love, giving, and genuine spiritual connection.

The significance of Jesus' longing for a profound and spiritual experience during the festive season should not be overlooked by us, as followers of Christ. It is crucial for us to shift our attention away from the shallow aspects that have unfortunately become synonymous with Christmas in today's society. Instead, we should redirect our focus towards the core essence of this season.

In doing so, we have the opportunity to reclaim the genuine meaning of Christmas and pay homage to the teachings of Jesus. By placing love, giving, and authentic spiritual connection at the forefront, we can truly honor the essence of this sacred time.

Let us not be swayed by the materialistic distractions that often overshadow the true significance of Christmas. Instead, let us embrace the values that Jesus embodied and shared with the world. By prioritizing love, generosity, and a genuine connection with our spirituality, we can rediscover the essence of this season and truly honor Jesus' teachings.

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