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Friday, July 29, 2022

Labor groups joins Bangsamoro summit

MORE THAN a hundred participants from labor groups in the region joined the Bangsamoro Labor Summit organized by the Office of the Member of Parliament Romeo Sema.

The two-day summit, which is in partnership with the International Labour Organization, aims to provide a venue for development partners to discuss, clarify, and address concerns on the proposed Bangsamoro Labor and Employment Code and other labor and employment-related measures.

In his video message, Bangsamoro Chief Minister Ahod Ebrahim called for the immediate passage of the proposed bills, which include the Bangsamoro Magna Carta for Workers in the Informal Economy; Bangsamoro Tripartism and Social Dialogue; the Bangsamoro Public Service Eligibility Equivalency Act; and the Bangsamoro Labor Justice Administration Act.

"The government of the day is one with the committee in calling for the immediate passage of the much-needed legislation to make the lives of the labor force much better," Chief Minister Ebrahim said.

MP Sema, chair of the Committee on Labor and Employment, reiterated the importance of the active involvement of Bangsamoro workers in exercising their rights to participate in policy and decision-making as enunciated in the Bangsamoro Organic Law. (LTAIS-Public Information, Publication, and Media Relations Division)

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